DMR Weather Net Proposal There exists a statewide DMR network, tgid 3120. It appears to have minimum activity. To encourage use of the network, it is proposed to establish a statewide Weather Net on TGID 3120. There is no existing Kansas HF net between 6:30AM and 7AM on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This would be a prime time to hold a weather net on Tuesday and Thursday mornings on the 3120 statewide network. I am the net control for the HF Weather net on Tuesdays from 6:30AM to 7AM and it would be a simple matter for me to be net control for a DMR statewide net just prior to this. I could also call the nets on Thursday mornings but would be looking for an alternate net control station to share Thursday duties. Many newer hams don't have access to HF equipment and antennas. A DMR weather net would provide an incentive for them to get on the air with simple VHF/UHF DMR equipment, including handheld radios, and exercise their equipment while joining the Kansas amateur radio community in a worthwhile endeavor. In addition this would give moblie users on the say to or from work a chance to check in and find out about weather conditions around their area. The standard format for reporting would be similar to that for the KS HF Weather net. However, any information (or none at all, just a check-in QRU) is acceptable. For a mobile station temperature and sky conditions may be all that is available at the time of check-in. Format: 1. Message Number 2. Wind direction and speed 3. Present temperarture 4. 24 hour high temperature 5. 24 hour low temperature 6. Humidity 7. Barometer (up, down, or steady if available) 8. 24 hour precipitation (rain, snowfall, snow on the ground) 9. Sky conditions (clear, mostly clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, overcast) Tim Gorman AB0WR